Tuesday, 18 November 2014

Lifestyle loves

So I thought I'd try something different this post and hit you with some of my lifestyle faves of the month. Granted most are food, but hey that says a a lot about my lifestyle!
I think there is something for everyone, from hot dogs to pugs and X Factor !

Beanies Amaretto flavoured coffee 
With starting a new job last month, I have been needing my caffeine fix to get me through the commute. I've always been a sucker for a Starbucks sweet treat, but also hate breaking the bank so this amaretto coffee has it all for me, especially at only 2 calories a cup!
I have mentioned in the past my ridiculously dry skin during the winter months and my hands tend to get it the worse. This soap and glory hand food is an oldy but a goody, and is a life saviour during the chilly weather, plus the smell is amazing! 
Again on the cold weather theme,  I have been cracking out the porridge lately, more specifically  the micro porridge . Quick, easy and the perfect morning pick me up! 

Hot Dogs 
Now this is an odd one, as it's normally something you have during the summer BBQ weather , but me and Dan have been obsessed with hot dogs lately. Not the healthiest option , but if I miss out the bun I don't  feel quite as bad. 
This is a much more specific food item here, but I have discovered these new muller light fruitopolis yogurts this month. I love any form of dessert and I find this is just sweet enough to cure my sweet tooth after lunch. 
Wow I wasn't joking when I said that there was a lot of food. Next up is Kellogg's square bars, hands up who remembers these from their primary school packed lunch. 

Christmas Shopping 
This picture is the best I could find to symbolise shopping, more specifically Christmas shopping! It's getting dangerously close to the festive season and I'm so excited!

Anyone that knows me knows that I have a strong affiliation to pugs, they are my favourite dog ever and in the last month I've done far to much googling of pug puppies for my own good! 

X Factor 
Let's finish on a high with everyone's fave...  X Factor ! Need I say more! 

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